Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

The Most Transformative Process I've Ever Discovered For Crystal-Clear Clarity, Purpose & Direction In Life



Four months ago, my wife and I went through the most transformational process we have ever embarked upon. It was called Lifebook Although you can now go through the entire Lifebook process online, no matter where you live in the world, we did ours in Estonia - jam-packed into a room with over 20 other individuals who, like us, wanted to get ultimate clarity, direction and purpose for each aspect of their lives. I think of my Lifebook as me, in a book. In other words, if I were to, God forbid, get hit by a bus tomorrow, someone would be able to hand my children my Lifebook and say, "Here. Here is your Dad, in a book. This is everything he stands for, believes in and values, and everything he would have wanted to teach to you about life. My Lifebook now holds a precious place in the mantle above the fireplace in our home, and has also been integrated into our family trust. As you can imagine, I'm very proud and excited of this discovery, and I wanted to get the inventor of the Lifebook on the podcast: Jon Butch