Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Busting the Myth of the Pre and Post Workout Meal: Fasted Exercise and Its Benefits



Consider this... Billions of people around the world don't know what or even when their next meal will be. Because of this uncertainty, they move as little as possible so as to conserve as much energy as they can. Meanwhile, you and I have the luxury of actually choosing notto eat while food is in abundance. And then actually burningcalories while we are in a fasted state. This podcast is the recording of a talk I gave on the topic of Fasted Exercise to the Live It to Lead It conference in Las Vegas, NV this past month. In this episode, you'll learn... -How I got introduced to the concept of pre and post-workout fasting during my years as a body builder...7:05 Conventional thought at the time: Eat a lot right after workout, to get into the "recovery window" Snack and graze Explored other options when I got into endurance training Discovered "ketosis" in 2013 Amino acids Dominic D'Agostino -Busting the myth of snacking and pre/post-workout meals...12:45 Importance of the post-workout meal is vastly de