Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Is Biohacking Bad? Ancestral Living Vs. Modern Science: Should We Return To Our Roots?



My life is a little bit...strange. As an immersive journalist, self-experimenter and self-professed “biohacker”, I do relatively unconventional things to upgrade my body and brain. For example, I have this blood glucose monitor installed in my arm. It monitors my blood sugar 24-7. I wear a cognition-enhancing laser light helmet at work during the day, and stand naked in front of a giant red light panel while I’m replying to emails. I give myself weekly IV’s full of a cocktail of special vitamins. I’ve also had the fat sucked from my back and the marrow from my bones to concentrate my own stem cells, and had surgery to have these cells placed into every joint of my body and mainlined into my bloodstream. I have tens of thousands of dollars of advanced medical technologies housed in my basement. You get the idea. I’m not normal. But as a man who spends much of my life immersed in the modern health and longevity movement, attending anti-aging conferences and researching all the newfangled things people are doing