Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

How To Get 6 Gigabytes Of Data From Your Gut: The Fascinating Future Of Stool, Blood, Saliva & Urine Testing (From The Comfort Of Your Own Home).



Imagine an all-encompassing platform that allows you to keep track of all your blood, stool, saliva, and urine testing results, along with self-quantified data from wearables, and even pulls in all health testing you've done in the past as part of a single dashboard. And imagine that platform could then use highly advanced artificial intelligence to tell you exactly how to eat, how to supplement, how to exercise and much more. All from the comfort of your home, without needing to drive to an expensive lab for multiple blood draws or fill out confusing paperwork. That's exactly what the brand new company Onegevity Health has the money, technology and data to do, and so I decided it was high time I sat down with their two chief scientists to learn exactly how this process works. I've already sent in my own stool using their Gut/bio shotgun stool sequencing test that we discuss in this episode. My guests are Dr. Joel Dudley and Dr. Chris Mason.  These guys are highly qualified and wicked smart. Dr. Dudley is cur