Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

The Official Fasting Q&A With Ben Greenfield: Does Coffee Break Your Fast, Poor Sleep During Fasting, Amino Acids During Fasting & Much More!



Whew!  The recent Kion 5 Day Fast has now come to a close - and we had over 10,000 people participate (that's a whole lot of food that wasn't eaten). During the fast, I received plenty of questions about fasting, such as: Does coffee help or harm your fast?  What can I do to improve my sleep during - and after - a fast? What is the hormonal effect of fasting on males? And what about for women? What is the best kind of fasting if your goal is body composition (fat loss, muscle gain/maintenance)? Does fasting - especially 3-5 day extended fasts - slow down your metabolism? What type of training is best while fasting, and what type of training should be avoided? What other things can you do to enhance the benefits of a fast? (e.g. cryotherapy, enemas, etc.) How should you prepare for - and break - an extended fast? Is it OK to fast while breastfeeding or pregnant? Does your ability to absorb food and supplements increase after a fast? What are your thoughts on EAAs while fasting? Do they break a fast? And what a