Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

12 Easy & Practical Ways To Upgrade Your Body & Brain (Ben Greenfield's Live Talk From NextHealth In LA!)



At NextHealth in LA, Ben Greenfield recently gave a talk on 12 different ways to optimize your body and brain, and in this recording, which includes his comprehensive overview of the "Wellness Wheel". In it, you'll learn about... -Diet and Micronutrients...6:30 Every person should be on the diet that is unique to them Genetic variants Familial hypercholesterolemia Gallbladder, liver issues prevent proper digestion Common similarities in blue zones Plant intake Glycemic variability Parasympathetically driven state Choose meals that are digestible and nutrient-dense Weston A. Price diet Question: How far back in your lineage do you go to determine what diet is appropriate for you? Book: The Jungle Effect by Dr. Daphne Miller Question: How do you test for a leaky gut, and how do you go about fixing it? Genova Diagnostics, Direct Labs Bone broth, colostrum, chia seeds help restore lining of the gut Kion Flex -Exercise and movement...18:25 Physiological triggers that make up the ideal exercise protocol