Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Royal Jelly For Fertility, Propolis For Boobs, The Little-Known Benefits Of "Superfood Honey" & Much More



From the bustling corridors of Goldman Sachs to the humming fields of bee apiaries, my guest today, Carly Stein Kremer, took a path that defies convention.  The link is a chance discovery of propolis (the "immune system" of a beehive) during her travels abroad, which didn't just alleviate her long-standing health woes but redefined her entire life's mission. Now, instead of stock charts, Carly's world revolves around bee charts, and instead of fiscal health, she's dedicated to championing the incredible health benefits of bees and their offerings. Carly's not just another entrepreneur; she's a bee ambassador. She's a voice for sustainable beekeeping, advocating for our planet's key pollinators in ways many overlook. And it's not just about making a product through her company Beekeeper’s Naturals; it's about a holistic approach – partnering with responsible apiaries, researching with top bee institutions, and ensuring that every product that carries the Beekeeper’s Naturals name stands up to rigorous, pestici