Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

A Field Trip To A Cutting-Edge Biohacking Facility That Treats Your Body As An Electrical Machine



In a previous podcast episode with Dr. Beth McDougall entitled "The Future Of Biohacking Fitness, Longevity, Recovery & More With Beth McDougall.", Beth and I discussed a fascinating Bay area biohacking facility that she co-founded called "JYZEN." JYZEN is a complete wellness destination service where integrative medicine, resonance science, and technology come together. At JYZEN, there is an unrivaled array of fitness and longevity technologies under one roof to provide access to the best proactive health and anti-aging science the world has to offer, helping patients and clients chart their personal paths through carefully curated and coached lifestyle design, powered by a medically supervised and data-driven approach. Their services include a biometrics lab, soundwave and electromagnetic medical technologies, hot and cold plunge pools, biomechanical movement assessments and corrections, a suite of hyperbaric oxygen chambers, red light beds, bodywork and massage, IVs, peptides, neurological and brain op