Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

A Near-Death Ecstasy Experience, Passing Up The UFC, Plant Medicine In Christianity & Much More



From the screen glow of an 80's television showcasing Chinese Kung Fu theater to the vibrant arenas of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and "Mortal Kombat," Jeff Durbin's life reads like a reel of adrenaline-packed sequences. But it wasn't all triumphant rounds and ninja moves; there were battles far more internal and daunting, fights that transcended the visible world. You might recognize Jeff from the History Channel's "The Stoned Ages," where he took a candid, Christian stance on addiction, or from the documentary film A Storm Comes Rolling Down The Plain. Jeff co-hosts Apologia Radio and Apologia TV, both of which garner followers throughout the U.S. and internationally. (You can find these shows via Apologia Studios). A World Champion martial artist with five black belts, Jeff even appeared as a fighter in MTV’s “The Final Fu.” Not long after Jeff was married, he began to develop a drug addiction that put a severe strain on his marriage. His alcohol and drug consumption grew to surpass all other priorities