Astonishing Legends

The Missing 411 Part 2



In Part Two of our series on the Missing 411 phenomenon, we'll first examine a study conducted to determine which National Parks are the most dangerous in the United States.  The numbers and causes may surprise you.  We then take a closer look at a few more puzzling cases and, with a critical eye, examine the data presented by David Paulides and the CanAm Project vs. what's been reported by the news media.  Discrepancies raise questions when ascertaining the objective facts and judging if the evidence is remarkable.  There are plenty of errors and omissions from all parties, but what are the causes and intentions behind them?  With hundreds, perhaps thousands of incidents, it's understandable when a news outlet rushing to report under a deadline makes mistakes, but can the same leeway be given to Paulides?  Are they honest mistakes or the handy claim that details are "cherry-picked," overlooked, or embellished to prop up a narrative and sell content?  Will later discoveries change the investigations, are we b