Daily Torah Thought With Rabbi Yisroel Bernath

What is Love Really?



"What is Love?" Love is redefined beyond the conventional understanding of a mere emotion or a passive state of being. We emphasized that love is an obligation and a directive, as illustrated in Leviticus 19:18, which commands to "love your fellow as yourself." This idea suggests that love is not just a spontaneous feeling but an active choice and action. Before one can extend love to others, it's crucial to first develop a sense of love for oneself. This foundational self-love sets the stage for meaningful and authentic relationships with others.We further explored the idea that the essence of love is deeply rooted in the act of giving. It posits that love begins with giving and grows through consistent, thoughtful acts of kindness and generosity. This concept challenges the popular notion of love as a feeling that happens to us, suggesting instead that love is something we actively create through our actions. The more we give, the deeper our capacity for love becomes. This principle