North Avenue Church Podcast

WCA Chapel: Shine in Culture | Philippians 2:12-18



Mark spoke in the upper school chapel today at Westminster Christian Academy on how we can "shine" in culture before unbelievers. Shine by working out your salvation (v 12-13) How? By relying on God’s active work in you. Shine by not grumbling or disputing (v 14-15) Numbers 14:27, “How long shall this wicked congregation grumble against me? I have heard the grumblings of the people of Israel, which they grumble against me.” Shine by being content and joyful (v 17-18) He’s currently in jail in Rome (1:12-23) He is willing to be poured out and even die for others with joy (v 17-18) Paul’s joy in suffering helped lead the jailer (and his family) to Christ (Acts 16) Shine by holding fast to the Word of Life (v 15b-16) Do not buy the lie that in college the way to evangelize others is to dim your light as much as possible or to act as much like the world as you possibly can! No, be joyfully different and unashamed of God’s word!