
25. Digital Minimalism



Our digital lives have become cluttered, scattered, and reflexive rather than intentional. Is it time for a change? In this episode, Rob and Dan McCollum, review the principles and exercises laid out in the book Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World. Taking it a step further, they share what happened when they went full on guinea pig and dove deep into the process.Guest Bio: Dan McCollum, MD is an emergency physician, associate professor, and associate residency director at the Medical College of Georgia. Here more of Dan from Stimulus Episode #1 Verbal Judo. This episode is brought to you by RingRescue, the new standard for stuck ring removal. RingRescue helps remove stuck rings in a non-destructive way and, when used with their non-hydrating lubricant, significantly reduces the need for ring cutting.  Use the code stimulus at checkout when you purchase your RingRescue finger compression device to get an extra bottle of their lube. Extra lube, free fifty free!