Father Simon Says

The Power of Authority - January 9, 2024



Bible Study: (1:51) 1 Sm 1:9-20 What was Shiloh?  Mk 1:21-28 Why is authority important? Letters: (20:32) - Clarification about Baptism in the Holy Spirit  (24:54) - Large families  (28:15) - Why did the demons go to the swine?  (30:55) - Should I care about Biblical authorship?  Word of the Day: Word (35:08) Callers:  (40:02) - Could you recommend some books about love?  https://www.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_ben-xvi_enc_20051225_deus-caritas-est.html (41:22) - Question about the Son of Man and Book of Daniel (43:37) - How is the Visitation to Elizabeth where she received the Holy Spirit different than Pentecost? (45:44) - If a priest decided to leave the priesthood and gets married, does he still have the faculties of the priesthood, even though he's not practicing being a priest? (48:38) - Question about bells during mass and it's use in exorcisms. Are they used to repel evil too?