With Allie Alberigo And Duane Brumitt

Breaking Through – Episode #86



In this episode Allie and Duane share the silly games we play as school owners that can hold you back until you see them. Email that was referred to in the podcast: Subject: Spinning too many plates as a school owner? Hello... Duane here! When I was young I remember my parents taking me to the circus one year. My family and I piled into our little Toyota Tercel you see… With my 6’ 3” tall dad, knees almost press to his chest driving… My 5’ 3” tall mom in the passenger seat and me and my two younger brothers in the backseat… By the way, I always tried to get the seat behind my dad so that if I made a “smart” comment that it would be harder for him to reach back to smack my mouth. But I digress… Back to my original point about the spinning plates. There I was with cotton candy in one hand and popcorn and the other watching this goofy white faced, red-nosed, happy smiling clown spinning a few plates on what looked like doll rods… As I remember that experience those many years ago I can recall not being so imp