Father Simon Says

The Queenship of Mary - January 1, 2024



Bible Study: (2:03) Jgs 6:11-24a Father, as promised, discusses what a terebinth is.  Mt 19:23-30 When do we come to Gd?  Letters (19:31) - The devil's fall and the Garden of Eden (24:03) - Can a teen become Catholic w/out his parents permission?  (28:33) - Priest purifying his hands Word of the Day: Queen Mother (31:09) Callers  (34:16) - my conversion story!  (36:59) - When are we judged?  (39:22) - What exactly becomes the Body/Blood of Christ?  Is it everything on the altar or only in the chalice? (43:02)- If people who lived saintly lives, are awarded a crown in heaven? (44:22) - Transfiguration and why Father feels Jesus met w/Moses/Elijah, as opposed to Abraham/David? (46:43) - Question about the idea of dying to one self and if Jesus being fully God and fully man, was he not subject to that? (50:08) - Liturgy and keeping the faith  Original Air Date: 8/22/23