Performhappy With Rebecca Smith

Culture Practices That Keep Kids in Sports Longer with Coach Vahid and Coach John-Mark from Unify Athletics



If you're intrigued by Coach Vahid and Coach John-Mark's coaching journey and the secrets behind gymnastics success, don't miss my conversation with the incredible mentor Coach Jackie (Jaclyn Riemer), which you can find here: back to another exciting episode of PerformHappy Podcast! Today, I'm thrilled to bring you insights from two exceptional coaches, Vahid and John-Mark from Unify Athletics. These dynamic coaches have created a gymnastics culture that not only produces outstanding results but also fosters a sense of community that keeps athletes coming back for more. With 11 graduating seniors and eight juniors, they've cracked the code to keeping kids in sports longer. Let's dive into the secrets behind their success and learn how they've built a gym where athletes thrive and families are proud to be a part of the journey.Unify Athletics thrives on a culture that prioritizes community and athlete well-being. Both co