Ram Dass Here And Now

Ep. 230 – The Truth of Your Deepest Being



Ram Dass explores how to find the balance between emptiness and compassion in the face of immense suffering and tap into the truth of your deepest being to hear your unique dharma.This episode is a continuation of the talk from Here and Now Ep. 229 – The Sword of DiscriminationToday's podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Click to receive 10% off your first month with your own licensed professional therapist: betterhelp.com/ramdassThis podcast is also sponsored by Apollo Neuro. Developed by neuroscientists and physicians, the Apollo™ wearable uses touch therapy to rebalance your nervous system and support your circadian rhythm, allowing you to sleep better, focus more efficiently, and even meditate with ease. Get $40 off your purchase today using code BEHERENOW and tap into a calmer, better rested, more focused version of you.In this powerful talk from 1992, Ram Dass explores:Boundaries and the nature of loveBelief systems and faithHow his work with death and dying has prepared him for deali