Guys We F****d

HOW DO YOU SHAVE YOUR DICK? (Hoboken Comedy Festival Special)



This week, the podcast which has been the platform for many the break-up talk, goes through a break-up of its own. Good thing for the girls of Sorry About Last Night, no Ben & Jerry's is required for this one. What they DO need to know, however, is how the fuck do you shave something as seemingly delicate as a penis shaft? Corinne and Krystyna welcome guest JAMES MATTERN, comedian and therapist-in-training, to talk being raised by your grandparents, pubic topiaries, and wanting what's good for you. OTHER TOPICS INCLUDE: What to do when some of your friends have previously fucked your dude, how podcasts make pussy pain go away & whether or not relationships are actually healthy. THIS SPECIAL EPISODE IS PART OF THE HOBOKEN COMEDY FESTIVAL. HOBOKEN COMEDY FESTIVAL - SHOW INFO & TICKETS: DONATE TO THE LIBERTY HUMANE SOCIETY: E-mail us at Tweet the