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The $68B SEO Industry Will Go Extinct?



In episode #2616, We discuss the future of the SEO industry in light of advancements in AI technology. While some believe that AI could render SEO extinct, We argue that SEO will evolve rather than disappear. We highlight the importance of Google's revenue from ads and partner networks, which makes it unlikely for Google to crush the SEO industry. We emphasize the need for SEO professionals to adapt to these changes and optimize for AI engines like Bard.Don’t forget to help us grow by subscribing and liking on YouTube!Check out more of Eric’s content (Leveling UP YT) and Neil’s videos (Neil Patel YT) TIME-STAMPED SHOW NOTES: (00:00) Today’s topic: The $68B SEO Industry Will Go Extinct? (00:25) Discussion about Google's revenue and AdSense (01:56) Possibility of Google using AI to give all search answers (02:57) Potential lawsuits and credibility issues with giving all answers (03:33) Prediction that AI will change search but not crush it (05:01) Criticism of the statement that the SEO industry will not