The Dv Show - Video Production Just Got Easier

Build a massive following on YouTube



Learn the 5 steps on how to use YouTube to build a massive following for your business Welcome to this edition of the DV Show podcast…my name is Brian. Are you visiting our social channels? Our involvement in the video production world goes way beyond this podcast with a steady flow of tips, tricks, techniques, and feedback from our followers. It’s awesome to interact and see Ron Lindeboom from Creative Cow chiming in, Adobe folks participating along with drone videographers, wedding videographers, animators, filmmakers, editors, social media video pros, freelancers, video professionals, you name it- they’re all there giving input on the social media topics we post. It is a great way to connect and learn from a very diverse, knowledgeable community of professionals in the industry. If you’re not part of the community yet, I would highly suggest you hop on board and participate! I’m always learning and so will you. Visit our website at for the list of where you can find us – we would be happy t