John Clay Wolfe Show

JCW ARCHIVE: Randy’s Holiday Nut Heist



Woo-hooo! It's Christmas time and our own chipmunk correspondent, Randy, has dug this festive archive clip up for us! Randy's been stashing nuts all year but he's got to keep an eye out for those sketchy squirrels. Him and his chipmunk gang are hatching a plan to hit the local Wal Mart for the biggest nut heist the animal kingdom has seen! Will Randy and his team make away with the nut sack of their dreams? They deserve it after a confusing encounter with a Turkey last month...   Thanks for joining us for this week's #JCWPodcast #JCWArchive. Please don't forget to Like, Share, and most importantly, Subscribe--to make sure you get the latest John Clay Wolfe Show materials as soon as they're released! So keep an eye out for those slippery eggs...and we'll see you Saturday