Life In Motion

Trail Guardians - A Conversation with Ashley Smith of Lakes Region Search & Rescue



In this episode, we chat with Ashley Smith, a dedicated member of Lakes Region Search & Rescue. While Ashley's love for hiking started as a kid, the pandemic sparked a determination to conquer the New Hampshire 48 4,000-footers, with the majority of them being finished solo. Afterwards she had a desire to assist fellow hikers in challenging situations, obtaining certifications in wilderness first aid and first responder. Motivated by her own experiences in precarious trail situations, she joined the Lakes Region Search & Rescue team, a group of over 70 volunteers collaborating with Fish and Game to respond to incidents in the region. If you're curious about the intricacies of search and rescue missions or seeking valuable safety insights for your next trail adventure, this episode's for you! Life in Motion is brought to you by Actual Outdoors. They help build beautiful brands that highlight the approachable and authentic parts of outdoor recreation. Said simply - they “keep it real”. Find