Life Talk With Craig Lounsbrough

”Christmas Reawakened and Reclaimed:” Am I Listening to the Lyrics? - The Music of the World at Christmas



What am I listening to?  What is it that I fill my head up with?  Whatever we listen to is eventually what we will become.  We can pretend that's not the case, and we can lead ourselves to believe that we can manage the stuff that we let into our heads.  But the fact is, what we list to is eventually what we will become.  However, the worst of it is that we don't think about what we put in our heads.  We find some element of something as appealing or soothing or nice in whatever way it's nice, and therefore we grant all of it entrance into our lives without really stepping back and asking what it's saying to us. What is the world speaking into your head?  What have you given it permission to say and in what way has that changed you?  At Christmas, we might wish to ask what that message is.  In fact, we might want to hold that message up against the message of Christmas and ask ourselves which one we would rather have shape our lives?  The message of Christmas is a message that no message formed by man can cha