Meg-john And Justin

Ask Justin Safer Sex Protocols Resource



I have a safer sex protocol that consists of a set of good communication tick boxes and a set of medical/testing disclosure tick boxes and a spreadsheet for my partners to record their partners and activities they practise with each, testing status, barrier use, etc I then use some approximate quantification of risk for each partner. While I find my protocol helpful in making this usually sensitive and difficult discussion more matter of fact and clear, I have experienced a lot of push back and hurt feelings by partners. I am reaching out to you because you mentioned in your episode this week that some people feel repelled by safer sex discussions. Could you help me see a way forward towards finding a consensus or a creative solution that works for everyone in case a partner refuses to engage with my protocol? Thank you for creating your content! I find it really valuable and fun to listen to! Resource / discourse When one becomes the other What's a good resource? Heterogeneous, open, kind, Resourcing ou