Dracaena Wines Podcast

Yeah! Today is Cab Franc Day!



It’s Monday, Let’s raise a glass to the beginning of another week. It's time to unscrew, uncork or saber a bottle and let’s begin Exploring the Wine Glass!  Happy #CabFrancDay! It is my favorite day of the year! I find it amazing to think that eight years ago, I decided to create a holiday that was dedicated to the best grape varietal there is and today, the holiday is celebrated around the world.  I will be hosting an X (formerly known as Twitter) chat tonight at 5pm Pacific and will be moderating a producers roundtable at 6pm Pacific. There is still time to register for the roundtable. It is free to attend and will provide you the opportunity to listen to producers who are fanatical about Cabernet Franc as well as ask them all your Cab Franc questions. The registration link is in the shownotes.  While you are listening, take a moment to subscribe, rate and review Exploring the Wine Glass. Taking one minute of your time is the only way the algorithms will suggest Exploring the Wine Glass to others and since