Access With Julia

Episode 4 with Becky Vannes



Show Notes: I don’t want people to feel like this is just for younger women or sexy people. Being a trophy wife about someone who is willing to be an asset in someone else's life and having pride about the relationship you're in and making it greater. It's the energy of when you can look at something in one area you can apply it everywhere and you can apply it everywhere and becoming the leader of your own life. The trophy wife energy is the supporting rocket fuel to support your partner to be greater and in return you get greater. "I made a demand a long time ago to be his girlfriend so he didn’t need one. I be the energy of his girlfriend and add the fun and play in life." A trophy wife always gives in and in return gets what she wants. I don’t have to always understand what he does but in turn allowing him to be him and create a life that he would like to have without limitation and in return it comes back and I get to choose for me together. Its not always fun but having the energy of I got your