5 Minute Italian

22: Where's the train station? How to ask questions in Italian.



Where's the train station? Which bus should I take? When does the train leave? How long does it take? In today's lesson, you'll learn how to use question words to navigate your way around Italy. Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: http://joyoflanguages.com/italian-question-words/ Today's words Dove = where Il bagno = the toilet Dov'è il bagno? = where's the toilet? è = is Mi scusi = excuse me La stazione = the station Mi scusi, dov'è la stazione? = excuse me, where's the station? La biglietteria = the ticket office Mi scusi, dovè la biglietteria? = Excuse me, where's the ticket office? Quando = when Parte = he/she/it leaves Quando parte? = when does it leave? Quando parte il treno? = when does the train leave? L'autobus = the bus Quando parte l'autobus? = when does the bus leave? Chi = who Chi è? = Who is it? il manager = the manager Chi è il manager? = who's the manager? Quanto costa? = how much does it cost? Quanto tem