5 Minute Italian

57: How to use "gli" in Italian (to them, for them)



When Matteo gets the train from Milan to Naples, he puts something very odd in his bag. Find out what it is and learn more about how to use the word  “gli” in this episode of 5 Minute Italian. Get the bonus materials for this episode: www.joyoflanguages.com/gli-italian-them/ Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/ Today's Italian words Che cosa porti a tua mamma e tua sorella quando torni a Napoli? = What do you bring your mum and your sister when you go back to Naples? Che cosa = what Porti = “you bring” or “you take” (Italians don’t differentiate) A = to Tua mamma = your mum E = and Tua sorella = Your sister Quando = when Torni = you return A = to Napoli = Naples Gli porto una zucca = I take them a pumpkin. Gli = To them Porto = I take Una Zucca = A pumpkin. E ai tuoi amici = And to your friends? Niente, gli compro da bere = Nothing, I buy them something to drink. Niente = nothing Gli = for them Compro = I buy Da bere = to drink