5 Minute Italian

66: How to say "the" in Italian: lo and gli (the ones everyone forgets)



Get the bonus materials for this episode here: http://joyoflanguages.com/how-to-say-the-in-italian-lo-gli/ Practise your Italian in our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/?ref=group_header How to pronounce "gli" in Italian: http://joyoflanguages.com/pronounce-gli-italian/ How to pronounce "gn" as in "gnocchi": http://joyoflanguages.com/pronounce-gn-italian/ Today's Italian words Che cosa ti piace fare nel tuo tempo libero? = What do you like doing in your free time? Che cosa = what ti piace = you like fare = to do nel tuo tempo libero = in your free time? Cucinare = Cooking Spesso faccio gli spaghetti alla carbonara = Often I make "Spaghetti alla carbonara", which is sometimes just called "Carbonara". Spesso = often faccio = I make gli spaghetti = the spaghetti alla carbonara = carbonara style E recentemente ho imparato come fare gli gnocchi a mano = And recently, I learned how to make gnocchi by hand, which is a type of pasta with potato in the dough. E = and recentemente = rece