Ask A Cycling Coach - Trainerroad Podcast

High Heart Rate, Sweat Rate, Newbie Pacing, and More – Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast 416



Share the podcast with your friends, and rate it 5-stars! iTunes:  Spotify: Google Podcasts:    TOPICS COVERED IN THIS EPISODE:   (0:00) Introducing Cole Paton! (14:47) Why is your heart rate higher when training outside vs. inside? (26:31) Pacing tips for new road racers (43:04) Is too much flexibility bad for cyclists? (55:32) Is sweat rate based on power output? LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: - Cole and Savilia’s Youtube:  - Backs, R. W., & Seljos, K. A. (1994). Metabolic and cardiorespiratory measures of mental effort: the effects of level of difficulty in a working memory task. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 16(1), 57-68:  - Furley, P., & Memmert, D. (2010). The role of working memory in sport. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 3(2), 171-194. DOI: 10.