Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome ~ Ask Us Anything



Several weeks ago I released Ep 492 How to Release the Grip Imposter Syndrome Has on You with Kim Meninger. So many of you responded with follow-up questions that I asked Kim if she would be open to doing a Live Stream to answer questions on Imposter Syndrome. Kim was happy to do it and we promoted that event for anyone who wanted to attend live and put a call out for question submissions from those who would not be able to attend or would like to remain anonymous. In this episode Kim and I discuss: What causes the condition of Imposter Syndrome, the consequences of its development and the ages that are most at risk. How to head off an episode of Imposter Syndrome before you get triggered into a fight or flight response. How to discern the difference between Imposter Syndrome and realistically not being qualified to do something. How to interact with others when you are both the youngest leader in your organization and the youngest person on your team. How to manage others who are experiencing Imposter Syndr