Mindrolling With Raghu Markus

Ep. 519 - The Great Way with David Block



Reflecting on memories with Ram Dass, musician David Block joins Raghu to talk about interconnectivity, generosity, and The Great Way.David's single “The Great Way” featuring Ram Dass is AVAILABLE NOW: Click To ListenIn this episode of the Mindrolling Podcast, Raghu Markus and David Block discuss:Music and mantrasThe transactional nature of the world and noticing our interconnectionDavid’s relationship with Ram DassServing others instead of self-obsessionDavid’s process of creating a track for the Love Serve Remember VinylComplete attention as the greatest gift you can offer anotherThe beauty of being in the moment instead of analyzing the momentWelcoming our struggles and accepting our inner demonsHow being silent will lead us to presence and changes in perspectiveReminding ourselves of the mantra “I am loving awareness”“There was no Richard Alpert and no Ram Dass; we were just in this wonderful pool of molecular interconnection. And all I felt was, ‘How can you help me’. It was all about me. Nobody had paid