Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Open Hearted Success: Embrace Your Open Heart With Human Design



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  In a world that often pushes us to prove our worth, join us for "Open Hearted Success," a transformative masterclass delving into the wisdom of Human Design. For the 63% with an open heart center, struggling with over-achievement and poor self-esteem, this session offers more than insights—it's an invitation to a kinder, more loving success journey. Learn practical tips to break free from the cycle of proving and embrace a customized success plan rooted in self-love. Say goodbye to burnout and depression, and step into a thriving, heart-centered success story. This class is not just about understanding your Human Design; it's about crafting a life that resonates with your unique essence. Join us on this journey to redefine success, embracing the power of your open heart. Beyond Over-Achieving: Break free from the cycle of overcompensation and burnout. Crafting a Loving Success Path: Develop a personalized success plan rooted in self-love. Shifting from Proving to Thriv