Radioactive Metal Podcast

Episode 762: Dot Dot Dot



Metal and Punk bands are no strangers to the whole acronym for their name thing. Instead of spelling out their multi word monicker, it's just easier to focus on the first letters. The ones that immediately come to mind are D.R.I. and C.O.C. But what about obscure names like J.F.A. and E-X-E? So we figured we'd put our own Aaron to the test. Just for shites' and giggles. In our "News, Views, and Tunes", we discuss the Cavalera Bros re-recording the classic Sepultura "Morbid Visions" album. And Green Day playing the Grey Cup (Canada's Super Bowl) halftime show. Musically, we crank new and used from Fear, MDC, Destructor, Tyrant, E-X-E, Gutter Creek, Maul and we introduce New Halen CT's Entierro in our "Indie Spotlight". Horns Up and Stay Healthy! This Episode is sponsored by Trve Kvlt Coffee. Summon the coffee demons to possess yourself a cup today! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram