Family From The Heart - An Encouraging And Entertaining Look At Family Life

424 - Things We Need To Do But Have Not



In this episode, cover the following topics... The Format of This Podcast: We are more excited than ever before to produce content for this podcast again. We ask you to bare with us as we work out how this podcast will evolve moving forward. Family Updates: We share what has been going on for each of our kids and what Stephanie and I have been up to on the personal side of things. A Couple's Mastermind Group: Stephanie and I are getting reach to launch a paid mastermind group for Entrepreneurial Couples.  If you are interested in learning more, email me at the email address mentioned in the episode. The Main Topic: Things We Need To Do But Haven Not Stephanie and each share three things that we need to do but haven't done yet. For each item, we answered the following questions.  Why do you feel that you “need” to do this? Why have you put off doing this? Are you ready to commit to action now? What actions are you committed to? Is there a deadline? We hope that this inspires you