

There is a long-held practice in teaching biblical theology. It uses questions and answers to help the student remember the foundations of their faith. Shane & Shane sing a traditional Christmas hymn that asks and answers an important question, "What Child Is This?" Many people in the life of Jesus asked this question (or something similar to it), and this week we set out in the book of Luke to make a list of answers we can refer back to in our own faith walk. In this week's episode, I discuss the following: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read in context Read and keep on reading Make a list Historical context What child is this? The angel Gabriel's answer - Luke 1:30-35 The angel's answer to the shepherds - Luke 2:10-12 Jesus' answer to his parents - Luke 2:41-52 Jesus' answer to his hometown synagogue - Luke 4:16-30 Jesus' response to the Pharisees and scribes - Luke 5:17-26; Luke 7:3