

There is comfort and conviction in the idea that we are perfectly loved by God. We can learn about God's perfect love in Scripture and then use Rachael Lampa's song "Perfectly Loved" to remind us of what we've studied. Let's contemplate this area of Scripture together using a meditative practice. In this episode, I discuss the following: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Pray Repetition Read the text aloud Listen to contemplative music as you meditate Slow down One word Meditate on God's Word Consider the opposite Follow the cross-references Pray Scripture Following the Lectio Devina workflow in Logos Bible Software Stretching yourself by trying something new but giving yourself grace in the process Start by asking God to guide your time in His Word The next step is the "lectio" part of Lectio Devina (which means Divine Reading) - lectio means "reading" in Latin - 1