

As believers, our position in Christ and the family of God changes everything. We have been transformed; who we were before is not who we are now. But did you know what we will be is not who we are now? I was inspired by Ben Fuller's song "Who I Am" to study what Scripture says is the evidence and responsibility of a child of God. Join me as we plumb the depths of 1 John this week. In this episode, I discuss the following: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Listen to an audio version of the text Start with God Mark up the text Meditate on God's Word Define words Explore a theme Repetition Make a list The goal of the podcast is not to "mix it up" but instead discover and meditate on God's Word -- even if you stay in the same place for awhile Companion episodes to this week Episode 447 - "Then Christ Came" by MercyMe Episode 455 - "Perfectly Loved" by Rachael Lampa L