

It's true -- God really does love you. But what kind of love is the Father's love? This is the question I explored in Scripture in this episode inspired by Crowder's song "God Really Loves Us." Continue soaking in John's first epistle as we look at it from a different starting point. In this episode, I discuss the following: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Repetition Read in context Historical context Mark up the text Consult an outside resource Episode 457, where we talk about studying 1 John, seeking what it has to teach us about being a child of God God's love is distinct from humans because he is distinct from humans God's love is a reflection of His character Beholding the manner of God's love - 1 John 3:1 Reviewing the historical context around John's first epistle - "The Message of John's Letters" by David Jackman - Amazon Paid Link Deducing the the