Nintendo Voice Chat

Which Metroid Is the Best Metroid? - NVC 654



This week we're joined by Thunderful Games co-founder Brjann Siguergeirsson to talk about Metroid, Steam World, and more. Brjann gives us a look into just what, exactly, GDC can mean for a game developer, and Seth and Peer agree on two things, a new record! Tom Marks joins the cast this week to be his usual, delightful self. All in all, 10/10 episode. (Like every episode, Seth... -Red) 00:00:10 - Intro  00:03:58 - Which Metroid is the Best Metroid?  00:30:37 - GDC is Happening! Meet Brjann!  00:56:08 - MiiVerse: What We've Been Playing  01:12:41 - Question Block & Outro Learn more about your ad choices. Visit