Real Estate Rockstars

1191: From Rock Bottom to Real Estate Rockstar With John Marrone



John Marrone is a highly successful real estate coach, a sought-after speaker, and a dedicated dad. He created an incredible life for himself, but he was only able to do that after hitting rock bottom. On today’s show, John shares his journey from rock bottom to real estate rockstar and offers actionable tips for agents who are seeking greater success. Listen and learn how to get from where you are right now to where you have always wanted to be. Links: Follow John Marrone on Instagram Join John Marrone's Facebook Group View John Marrone’s YouTube Channel Listen to The Real and Raw Show With John Marrone 2024Blueprintcom John Marrone's Website John Marrone's Real Estate Mastery Follow Aaron Amuchastegui on Instagram Learn More About Shelby and Five Pillars Nation Get Hundreds of FREE Real Estate Tools From the Toolbox