
Identity politics destroying public schools, W.A. Teachers Union calls to scrap NAPLAN and for more regulation of independent schools, Christian home-schooling and much more



Identity politics is destroying our public schools. W.A. Teachers Union calls for NAPLAN to be scrapped and for more regulation on independent schools. The plan to tax international students.  Christian home-schooling group targets "woke" (ie. INCLUSIVE) and "idealogically driven" public education despite religous schools, themselves, being DRIVEN BY IDEOLOGY! AEU says we need more than a recruitment campaign to solve the teacher crisis - we need real investment in teachers. U.S.- A pro-charter school group finds ways to debunk the efficacy of charter schools. U.K.- Proposed VAT tax has panicked private school parents fighting for a place at the local comprehensives (state schools).Great State School of the Week- Bairnsdale Secondary