Eternity Church Podcast

Episode 156: October 29, 2023 - As You Wish



A Sunday sermon by Brett Deal. Have you ever met someone that you immediately resonated with? It can almost feel like your lives have been lived on parallel lines; you’ve been walking through the same experiences, shared the same thoughts and, all of a sudden, your paths branched toward each other and met at the perfect moment. We all have friends like that. Those people who might have been strangers a few weeks ago and now you can’t imagine your life without them, their wisdom, their insight, their friendship. I’m often reminded of C.S. Lewis words: “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” Arriving at 1 John 3.19-24 in our journey may be that moment of friendship convergence. In these verses, John, our spiritual guide looks on us and sees where we are in our walk with Jesus. He knows that as we open our hearts we will feel the sting of light on those dark places. For some, our hearts will be wracked with condemnation. Surely, each of