Sarah B. Yoga

Anatomical Focus for a Posterior Pelvic Tilt



Episode 36: This class is  a video specifically designed for those with a posterior tilt of the pelvis. Before going ahead and doing this podcast, you will want to be sure that this class is suitable for your postural habits. A posterior tilt of the pelvis tucks the tail under and often creates a rounding lower back/lumbar spine. Generally, this causes the hamstrings to be tight, the lower back to flatten from its natural lumbar curve, and the shoulders to begin a steady slump forward. The class was originally created with as a video. I have posted the audio version here. Please refer to the podcast blog post to access the video. Be sure to have a blanket or towel, and a strap.Sarah Baumert has been teaching movement since 2006. She is a certified yoga teacher, yoga therapist and Feldenkrais practitioner. This podcast is an intersection of her yoga teaching and training in the Feldenkrais® method. Classes include sensory rich movement experiences for a more resilient and healthy nervous system to help you fee