Dv Radio

Affinity Protocol::39:: Creating, Running & Owning Companies



This week's Affinity Protocol (hosted by the Affinity Innovations, Inc. Team) episode, Chris and Paul discuss owning companies. Before that however, Chris couldn't figure out how to connect to the DV Radio live server. After all of that, they dive into some information on how they've started in the technology world with short & long-term visions when it comes to breaking open your company whether it's a nonprofit, crypto, or some other company. Hosts/Guest Hosts: Chris, Paul and Little Chris [NOTE: Check links under description!] ---------- Edited by Munkee Bawlz Media https://www.munkeebawlzmedia.com/ ---------- Affinity Newsletter Bi-Weekly Newsletter of Affinity Innovations, Inc. ---------- Find out more about Affinity https://affinitybsc.com/ ---------- Affinity Innovations, Inc. https://affinityinc.tech/ ---------- Already Using Crypto? Checkout ADAPT! https://www.adapt.exchange/ ---------- **LINKS TO CHECK OUT** GRAB YOUR DV RADIO MERCH NOW! https://bit.ly/DVR_Store ---------- EVERYTHING DYSFUNCTION