Naturally Savvy

Vegan-Ease with the Jazzy Vegetarian



Eating vegan can be yummy and delicious, especially with the Jazzy Vegetarian on your side.Not everyone has access to natural food stores or markets, especially if you live in a remote area. That doesn't mean you can't eat healthy and organic... or that you can't make tasty, vegan or vegetarian meals.The key is getting creative with what you DO have access to.This is something Laura Theodore, the Jazzy Vegetarian, has been perfecting for years.No organic or fresh kale at your disposal? Substitute collard greens, Swiss chard, baby spinach, or any other dark, leafy green.But, eating vegan is more fulfilling than just eating a salad every day. For instance, some of Theodore's favorite dishes make use of quinoa. This grain provides a dense mouth feel with all the protein, just as if you'd been eating meat.There are also many creamy dishes you can whip up without dairy by using nut milks and other plant-based milks (i.e. coconut milk). You can also steam white potatoes or cauliflower. All of these options give you