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Well-Oiled Operations™ Live Part 10 – Delegation: The Key to Getting Your Time Back and Scaling Your Business



Stacy Tuschl discusses the common beliefs and mindset blocks that prevent business owners from making important decisions and taking action. She emphasizes the importance of investing time and resources into solving problems and developing necessary skills. Stacy also introduces Tony Robbins' RPM method, which focuses on setting clear goals, creating a plan, and taking massive action. She highlights the importance of having an empowered mindset and being resourceful to achieve business success.   Also in this episode: Believing that something is too time-consuming can prevent you from making important decisions and taking action. Thinking that something is too expensive can be a limiting belief, and investing in the right resources and people is important to achieve success. Making decisions and taking action are essential for business growth and success, and it is important to develop decision-making skills. Setting clear goals and creating a plan is crucial for achieving desired results, and being in the r