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884 WP-Tonic This Week in WordPress & SaaS: How SEO is Changing in a World of AI & Google September's HCU



With Special Guest Fernando Angulo Senior Market Research Manager At SEMRush Uncover the future of search engine optimization with this captivating video that explores the impact of artificial intelligence on SEO practices. Learn about advancements such as machine learning algorithms and natural language processing that are revolutionizing how websites are ranked and discovered online. Get expert advice on leveraging AI tools for keyword research, competitor analysis, and content optimization strategies. #1 - Fernando, What are your thoughts connected to how Google sees AI-generated content, and will people's websites be penalized if they use AI-generated content? #2 - A lot of niche focus websites have been penalized recently by Google September's HCU (helpful content update). Can you give some insight connected to this SEO update? #3 - Because of COVID-19, the mobile growth trend seemed to get semi suspended; what is the situation now, and what do people who develop or own websites need to know about this?