You The Owners Manual Radio Show

EP 1,167B - How Science is Reversing the Damage to our Health that Starts from Birth



Thousands of heart patients are getting better instead of slowly worse because their doctors are targeting something new. Usually, when someone is told that their arteries are hardened or blocked, they're prescribed drugs or surgery that minimize the symptoms. They might also be told how diet and exercise can slow it but no treatment will stop or reverse the process.That's changing. These are the stories of doctors, patients, and scientists who together are reversing the damage caused by hidden stress. Their successes are opening doors to discovering the nature of longevity.The challenge that they're targeting is when the immune system backfires due to hidden stresses such as toxic metals and low-grade infections. These aren't on the standard list of heart risks.Advanced technology combined with personalized approaches are driving a wave of affordable prevention and therapy that target these risks.In response to this, more patients are taking charge of their own health. The stories of how they're doing it are